Sunday, February 22, 2015

Let's Get Orientated

Orientation at Macquarie University
Well, after two weeks of orientations, I would like to say that I'm done. And I mostly am. I attended Arcadia University's Orientation in Melbourne, and I attended Dunmore Lang's orientation at my college. ("College" is the style of dorms that I'm living in.) I sat through a lot of lectures that all pretty much told me the same thing; what to do in the city, cultural differences, sun and water safety. I did all of the tourist-y events; Amazing Race through Sydney, Sydney Harbor Cruise complete with fireworks over the bridge, walking around as a giant group of "freshers". I've successfully completed two O-Weeks, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

The more important things I've learned though haven't been from the lectures, or the scheduled events, or even all of the paperwork I've gotten. I've learned more than just how to get into the city, or that you need to swim between the yellow and red flags. By interacting with people (mostly native Australians), and figuring stuff out on my own, I've learned a lot more than I thought I ever could in two weeks....

  • It's really easy to tell who is an American, and everyone wants to talk to you
  • Aboriginal culture is very prevalent here, and it's really interesting to learn about.
  • Peanut butter and jelly do not go together on a sandwich here. Also, Vegemite does not go on bread as thick as peanut butter. 
  • Feeling hot and sweaty is a thing that will happen every day for at least another month. 
  • I really need to learn Celsius.... 
  • Theme nights at bars can get very expensive, very quickly. (Think: paint night, bright night, back to school night. Each one requires a different outfit.) 
  • You tap on AND tap off when you ride public transportation, or you will be charged for the entire route. 
  • Internet is not always available. So I may need a bigger data plan....
  • It's okay to ask questions. No one assumes that you know all the right answers. 
In other news, I just bought my Easter break trip package last night! I'll be starting in Brisbane and traveling up the East Coast to Cairns, stopping at the Great Barrier Reef, Fraser Island, some waterfalls, and even bungee jumping! I also bought my ticket for surf camp, which will be coming up soon in May!!

For all my friends back home, I hope the weather starts treating you better soon. I'll be sending some sunshine your way!!

Fireworks display over the Sydney Harbor Bridge

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hopped off the plane at LAX....

After two years of waiting, six months of stressing, and two months of packing, here I am: Los Angeles, CA! Just kidding. I flew to L.A. a day early due to the second week of horrible snow in the Northeast. And although it was tough to leave my family a day earlier than planned, I'm actually grateful it worked out this way. Laying in my hotel room, completely exhausted, I can't even imagine hopping on another plane right now. 

Even though I haven't even left the country, I've already learned a lot about traveling alone. The most important thing I've learned is to BE PREPARED. Have all your important documents ready (check), bring snacks so you don't have to buy the airlines (check), have activities to do in case the plane doesn't have Wi-fi, (not so much), and make sure your phone is charged (NOPE). Oh, well. It's all about learning, right? 

Next stop, Melbourne. There I'll be participating in Arcadia University's four-day orientation. I'm not entirely sure what to expect, other than warmth. For those of you dealing with 2 feet of snow, I'm heading towards 99 degree weather. One leg of the journey left!!